In 1984, Steven Spielberg came out with his second Indiana Jones action-adventure movie “The Temple of Doom.” The movie’s storyline centers around a village in India and three stones (artifacts) which are sacred to the regional people. Sacred because of their mystical power to drive out any evil forces, health and well-being, and welfare to the region. Unfortunately, they are stolen, and the town and its people become poverty-stricken and desolate. Indiana Jones to the rescue!
Question: Where the magical “Sankara Stone” artifacts depicted in the movie based on fact or fiction?
The answer is yes and no. There is no such thing as Sankara Stones per se, but sacred Hindu stones do exist, and they are called “Shiva Lingam” Stones.
In reality, Adi Sankara was a Hindu philosopher credited with reviving Hinduism-so the stones in the movie were named after him. The linga or lingam (Sanskrit), is the symbol of the god Shiva which is worshipped in Indian and around the world in Shaivite temples. The cult of the Linga is older than the Indian civilization itself and was incorporated into Hinduism around the beginning of the Christianity. Indiana Jones states in the movie The temple of Dome that the Sankara Stones were given to the world by Siva, e.g. Siva Lingam.
In the next couple of months, I will be presenting some articles on how to improve your health and well-being with the aid of different types of stones, gemstones, and semi-precious gemstones. Today, let’s talk about the many health and spiritual benefits of India’s Shiva Lingam stones.
The stones are elongated ovals in form and thought to be objects of beauty and sacred to the Hindu tradition. They are ceremoniously gathered once a year from the muddy banks of the Narmada River located in Western India. Although some of the stones can be found in a natural egg shape, most are shaped and hand-polished with oils and waxes until smooth from the people who reside in the rivers area. Within the egg form itself, you will see the shape of the cosmic egg from which all creation has emerged.
The stones are made up of the mineral elements of Jasper, Cryptocrystalline (a type of quartz), and iron oxide deposits said to have been implanted in the stones by a meteorite that hit earth millions of years ago.
Their colors vary, but they all have basic brown earthly colors of brown, red, tan, or grey with striped, circle, rings or patch patterns.
The stones have a strong metaphysical property and carry lots of energy-mostly due to their quartz elements.
Why so much energy? Maybe one reason is the stones have been thought as sacred by admirers for several centuries.
The worshipped stones are said to improve your overall health and are powerful stimulants for the bodies energy system. They carry physical strength and loving emotional acceptance. They aid in overall health and well-being of the universal mind. The shape of the stone embodies masculine energy, dynamic expression, and knowledge. The markings on the stone are called YONT, which carry feminine energy, wisdom, and intuition. Together, this female energy arouses the masculine urge to create.
The stones can assist with healing of infertility and reproductive problems, such as menopausal symptoms and menstrual cramps. They may also help with disorders of the prostate.
The Shiva Lingam can contain a powerful vibrational force that resonates deeply with all natural energy aspects of Mother Earth and used to help with mediation and sleep. Its grounding energies can also give a vitality boost, and its energetics initiate the sacred kundalini energy that goes up the spine, activating the chakras to bring spiritual enlightenment to the body.
Unity is the key message of the Shiva Lingam stone. It balances the “yin and yang,” light and dark, and unites all aspects of the self while lovingly accepting the differences in others as expressions of the many faces of the creator.
These elongated oval stones from India can be found at online rock shops, or at local Rock, Gem & Mineral Shows.
Stay tuned for the next article on the mystic healing values found in stones.
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